Navigating the city
The city may appear slightly differently on different browsers.
You can navigate areas by clicking on the arrows or the location which you would like to go. Links that lead outside the city generally open in a new window. If you are having any technical difficulties finding your way around please contact @stickynickys via twitter, make a comment in the chatbox, or submit a request form with the details.
Below is a quick reference guide to different areas and what they are for.
The Town Hall is where you can find new discord servers to join. Please send a real estate request form to add yours!
The Marketplace is where you can find links to NFT collections as well as beats for sale. Any kind of stores are welcome to apply. Marketplace stalls are transferable and any new owner of the corresponding NFT can make changes to the stall. If you acquire a stall, please make sure that you send a real estate request form to get your name and deigns on it!
The Residential area is where you can find personal customizable locations. They can show off your favorite NFTs or pets, collect all of your links into a picture like a visual linktree, or anything else you want to do with the space. Post billboards in your yard if you want, the possibilities are endless, and the limit is your imagination. Locations are permanently placed so the first houses will be prime real estate in the future.
Apartments are locations only while Houses are correlated with an NFT and can be resold, transferred and redecorated by a new owner.
Apartments are free to any Rockhound/KittyKitty holder. Click here if you would like to submit a form to claim your apartment.
The Event Stage is for future use during live or ongoing events or for community members to use as needed. Feel free to add an event if there is something you want to share!​
The Banner Exchange is where you can find collection and NFT related websites. Random links will display below the plaza and on every member's site, linking the community and helping share like-minded traffic. Please don't hesitate to contact us and add your link!
The Contest headquarters will generally list the current rockhound contest, but if you have one going that you would like to share feel free to submit it to be added here!
Need help? Don't be afraid to ask here!
If nobody is around you can also DM @stickynickys on twitter for anything related to NFTs, the IttyBitty City or Rockhounds.